Straighten Your Smile Stress-Free with Invisalign in Brookline, MA

February 21, 2013

invisaligntrioIf you’re an adult with gaps or misalignments hindering their oral health, it can seem like only an impossible dream to find a solution that can help you achieve a perfectly straight smile. There are always traditional metal braces, sure, but what about that polished, professional image you’ve worked so hard to establish over time? You don’t deserve to have it damaged by a look that’ll make you feel like you’re back in junior high. Here at Boston Smile Center, we understand your hesitation, and we want to be the ones who provide you with an easy, effective solution. That’s why Dr. Sasson is happy to offer you Invisalign as a cosmetic option at his Brookline, MA office. With the help of Invisalign, you’ll soon have a beautiful, smile straight you won’t be able to help from showing off!

Beautiful Benefits, One Simple Solution

The procedure for Invisalign is simple enough – you’ll be provided with a set of custom-made, clear aligners. These will be made by the Invisalign lab after we’ve taken detailed impressions of your teeth, and they’ll each represent a different stage of your teeth as they move into their ideal alignment. There are no uncomfortable wires, no ugly brackets, and no pain with Invisalign – you simply wear each aligner for around two weeks and then switch to the next one. They can easily be removed when you eat, brush, or floss, meaning that neither your eating habits or your oral hygiene routine have to be altered in any way. Better yet, if you’ve got a big event like a wedding or graduation coming up where you want to look your absolute best, simply leave out the aligner while you’re there and slip it back in when you’re done. It really is that simple.

There’s no tightening or adjustments with Invisalign, either – you’ll only need to come in every four-six weeks so that Dr. Sasson can check to make sure your teeth are moving properly. Invisalign will take around 12-18 months to complete your treatment. In many cases, this is a much shorter time than traditional braces take, which often need to stay on for two years or more.

Are you ready to finally have the straighter smile you’ve always dreamed of? Invisalign can treat your teeth, improve your self-confidence, and more. Call Boston Smile Center in Brookline, MA today to schedule a FREE consultation with Dr. Sasson.

Treat Your Teeth to a Smile Makeover from Dr. Sasson

February 19, 2013

smile and dental mirrorNo matter how diligent we are with our oral hygiene routines or how many regular check-ups we attend, many of us are still unhappy with the smile we see in the mirror. Maybe you wish your teeth were straighter, or that extra cup of coffee every morning before work has left them duller than you’d hoped they be. Whatever the case is, there’s no reason to believe that your dental care has to be finished simply because your mouth is at optimal health. Here at Boston Smile Center, we want to give you the five-star smile you deserve, no matter what it takes. That’s why Dr. Sasson is proud to offer smile makeovers as part of his cosmetic dentistry care in Brookline, MA.

What is a smile makeover?

Smile makeovers aren’t one specific service – instead, they’re a combination of cosmetic procedures that’s specifically designed for each individual patient to fit their needs and desires. By choosing a smile makeover, you no longer need to wonder about what treatments you need or what order you should have them completed – Dr. Sasson will figure out a plan for your teeth upfront after a thorough discussion concerning how you want your smile to appear. No two smile makeovers are quite the same; after all, we’re all unique, with different outlooks. One person might want to look like a movie star, while another may just want to replace unnatural-looking fillings and crowns with more seamless solutions. Our team will work hard to make sure you get the results that you’re hoping for.

Here are some of the services we can offer as part of your smile makeover:

Are you ready to rejuvenate your smile and your self-confidence? Let us treat your teeth with a smile makeover at Boston Smile Center and get you to your perfect look that much faster. Call us in Brookline, MA if you have any questions, or if you’re ready to schedule your FREE consultation with Dr. Sasson today.

Sport a New, Even-Colored Smile with White Spot Removal from Dr. Sasson

February 5, 2013

You’ve straightened your smile, polished it, kept it healthy – but what about those ugly white spots that you can’t seem to get rid of, no matter how much you brush? White discoloration is a common problem, not to mention a frustrating one. They normally form because of calcium loss in the enamel of your teeth, which can be caused by eating foods and drinks high in acid as a child or even by wearing orthodontic braces when you were a teenager. Here at Boston Smile Center, our team definitely doesn’t think you should be punished with unsightly spots simply because you wanted to better your smile. You deserve flawless, even-colored teeth that you’ll be proud to share with the world around you. That’s why Dr. Sasson and his team are happy to offer white spot removal as one of several cosmetic procedures in Brookline, MA.

Keep Your Smile Stunning and Your Self-Confidence High

White spots don’t only ruin the beauty of your smile – they can also make your teeth too sensitive and open them up to further decay. In order to get rid of them, we use Icon, a revolutionary new tool that makes white spot a quick and painless process. By utilizing a gel that opens the pore system of the white spot lesions, our team can bring back your natural tooth color as well as permanently build new enamel, keeping your new results long-lasting and lovely.

This form of white spot removal treatment is quick, easy, and affordable. No shots, drills, or surgery is required to achieve noticeable results, and the entire appointment can be finished in as little as twenty minutes!

Are you in need of white spot removal? You can learn more about the process here, and feel free to peruse our website for more information about the other cosmetic dentistry techniques we can offer you. Feel free to call Boston Smile Center in Brookline, MA if you have any questions, or if you’re ready to schedule your FREE consultation with Dr. Sasson today.

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